Karen Winterich continues to make an impact on the field.

Karen Winterich (left), Gerald I. Susman Professor in Sustainability, was presented a 2023 Society for Consumer Psychology Distinguished Scientific Contribution Award at the 2023 SCP conference in San Juan, Puerto Rico. She is pictured with Gita Johar, SCP president, and Coqui, the mascot for the conference, to represent the Puerto Rican culture.
Karen Winterich, professor of marketing and the Gerald I. Susman Professor in Sustainability, continues to widen her influence on the marketing discipline. She has been named one of four co-editors of the Journal of Marketing Research. Winterich was also elected to become the president of the American Marketing Association Academic Council in 2023-24. The AMA has 38,000 members worldwide and is one of the most respected professional organizations among academics, practitioners, and public policy makers who engage in marketing. Winterich was also recently named a recipient of a 2023 Society for Consumer Psychology Distinguished Scientific Contribution Award at the 2023 SCP conference in San Juan, Puerto Rico.
– Andy Elder